Choose a plan between Basic, Business, Corporate, Enterprise and Unlimited based on the features you require from the ST: Product & Collection Sort App. Each plan comes with a dedicated sort count quota and has a different feature set to help you customise ST: Product & Collection Sort App as you require. If you cross your sorts count, additional charges ($5 per 500 sorts) will apply and you would be required to upgrade to a higher plan to match your usage.
How are these Monthly Sorts calculated?
If you sort 1 collection on your store using our app algorithm, it counts as 1 sort. e.g You wish to sort 10 of your collections once every day, that would mean you would consume 10 sorts in a day. This would mean 10 sorts x 30 days = 300 sorts in a month. This count will reset to zero every 30 days.
Sort count and billing are not affected by the number of visitors on a website. There could be an unlimited number of visitors on your website and all of them will see the intelligently sorted collection page.
Please feel free to write to for any queries.